The first ten minutes of the period were owned by the hosts of the ice. SKA owned the initiative and overthrew CSKA. Quantity quickly turned into quality. First, Alexander Nikishin opened the scoring, and soon Emil Galimov consolidated the advantage of SKA — 2:0. CSKA woke up and started the chase. First, Andrey Svetlakov reduced the gap — 2:1. Not even a minute passed, and Mikhail Grigorenko equalized the score, scoring a masterpiece-goal - 2:2. A productive draw after twenty minutes of game.
In the second period, CSKA finally recovered and began to own their game. In the 33rd minute of the match, Mikhail Grigorenko led his team ahead. Nikolai Makarov, with a pass from his goal, moved the puck under rival's blue line, and Anton Slepyshev gave a pass to a free Grigorenko, who scored a double — 2:3. By the break, the score had not changed anymore.
In the third period, CSKA finally dominated. Sergey Fedorov's wards acted on counterattacks competently and converted their chances. Konstantin Okulov scored first — 2:4. And after another five and a half minutes Maxim Mamin converted his exit to the goal of Nikolaev — 2:5. The hosts did not give up, they removed the goalkeeper and six of them reduced the gap with the efforts of Volkov — 3:5. But CSKA immediately punished St. Petersburg's team for another dissmissal of the goalkeeper. Mikhail Grigorenko scored a hat-trick — 3:6. Konstantin Okulov finished the match with scoring in an empty net — 3:7. A confident victory and 3:2 in the series in favor of CSKA!
- 06:51 1:0 (SKA). 21 Alexander Nikishin (77 Stepan Falkovsky, 92 Alexander Volkov).
07:28 2:0 (SKA). 72 Emil Galimov (74 Nikolay Prokhorkin, 12 Nikita Kamalov).
12:42 2:1 (CSKA). 87 Svetlakov Andrey (9 Slepyshev Anton, 15 Karnaukhov Pavel).
13:35 2:2 (CSKA). 25 Grigorenko Mikhail (98 Mamin Maxim, 27 Sorkin Maxim).
32:45 2:3 (CSKA). 25 Grigorenko Mikhail (9 Slepyshev Anton, 18 Makarov Nikolai).
46:08 2:4 (CSKA). 71 Okulov Konstantin (16 Plotnikov Sergey, 45 Provolnev Vladislav).
- 51:38 2:5 (CSKA). 98 Maksim Mamin (25 Mikhail Grigorenko, 89 Nikita Nesterov).
- 54:14 3:5 (SKA). 92 Alexander Volkov (10 Zakhar Bardakov, 74 Nikolay Prokhorkin).
- 54:28 3:6 (CSKA). 25 Grigorenko Mikhail (98 Mamin Maxim, 3 Klasson Fredrik).
- 58:27 3:7 (CSKA). 71 Okulov Konstantin.