Yaroslav Dyblenko: In the next matches we will see a good use of chances

Yaroslav Dyblenko: In the next matches we will see a good use of chances

The defender of CSKA summed up the results of the home series of matches.

— What was missing in the last home game?

— We create a lot of chances, we have to use our opportunities. But by coincidence, we missed easy goals in the match against SKA.

— CSKA is good just because it makes the most of its chances. Has something changed now?

— It looks like we need a minimum of chances to score. It is necessary to drive us into the framework so that every opportunity is used. I think the guys who didn't score to SKA understand everything themselves, so they will work on the implementation. I think in the next matches we will see a good use of the chances. 

— Do you feel that CSKA is improving? 

— Of course, we are slowly reviving after that season. We wake up, begin to understand each other better, interact better on the ice.

— Is CSKA's unsuccessful start a championship hangover?

— No, they just came back a little sleepy after the summer. We have been shaken up now, everything is fine, our heads have been set. We are going on the right path.