Vladimir Bryukvin: I really wanted to score. It's good that it turned out

Vladimir Bryukvin: I really wanted to score. It's good that it turned out

Forward of the Army team commented on his first goal, scored as part of CSKA.

— The fourth game, I really wanted to score. It's good that it turned out. I didn't play at all in the "Avangard" 3x3, and now I probably had a good match, so they entrusted me to come out.

— 3x3 is a new kind of hockey. How do you see this format?

— This is an interesting format. We also play in the summer. The main thing is not to give the puck to the opponent. If it doesn't work out, you can roll out of your zone and try again. Everyone knows that CSKA removes the goalkeeper. The main thing is that it works.

— How has your role in CSKA changed?

— My role and work have not changed much. The main thing is to play aggressively, to impose a fight. There is no huge difference, so it's easy to get used to.