CSKA traded Danil Yurtaikin to Chelyabinsk Traktor for Yegor Fateev

CSKA traded Danil Yurtaikin to Chelyabinsk Traktor for Yegor Fateev

The 26-year-old Yurtaikin has played for CSKA since the 2020/21 season. During this period, he played 54 matches in the KHL, scoring 20 (6+14) points and won the Gagarin Cup as part of the CSKA club.

25-year-old Fateev played 145 matches and scored 21 (11 +10) points in the KHL for Lokomotiv and Tractor. As a member of Lokomotiv, the striker (2016, 2018) won the Kharlamov Cup, the main trophy of the Junior Hockey League, twice.

In the CSKA club, Fateev will sign a bilateral contract.