Nikita Nesterov: I think we are playing better and better with every match

Nikita Nesterov: I think we are playing better and better with every match

Источник: Матч ТВ

CSKA captain summed up the results of the army derby.

— CSKA gave out a series of three victories. But it was interrupted now in St. Petersburg. What do you say about the match against SKA?

— We lost the match, that pretty much says it all. In the second period, we could have taken the initiative from the opponent when we had five minutes of the majority. In this component it is necessary to add. We should have scored at least one goal. And we need to play better in defense. We had some moments, in general. But we didn't score. Serebryakov played great in their goal. Well, we will be working.

— As a captain, do you think that CSKA is still finding itself?

- Of course. I think we are playing better and better with every match. And the pace of the game, and the understanding is completely different. We do what the coach demands. Yes, there are some ‑moments that need to be corrected. But I think everything will be fine soon.

— It was important to score most of them, wasn't it?

— I think it was the key moment of the match. When Zykov was removed, we had to score.

— What will CSKA do during the two-week December break without matches? You need to reboot.

— I think we will practice more during this break. We will lay some ‑foundation, we will ‑correct something. And after a pause, the team will already go to the peak. In theory, it should. We need to figure it out in the ‑right way. The coaching staff has a plan. They will show us everything, explain it to us. And we will work.