Main page / News / / The Russian national team took second place at the Sirius U-17 Cup
23 july 2024, 17:30
The Russian national team took second place at the Sirius U-17 Cup
As part of the next game day of the Sirius Cup among under-17 hockey players, the Russian national team and the team of the Siberian Federal District met. The national team won 4-1.
CSKA striker Nikita Ovcharov scored a goal. CSKA goalkeeper Valery Nikonov, defenders Vladimir Kostin, Leonid Ivanov and striker Pavel Sidorov also took part in the match.
The Russian national team won five victories in six meetings and took second place in the tournament.
In the other game of the day, the Moscow national team lost to the Belarusian team in overtime with a score of 2:3.
Defender Artyom Baranov and striker Lev Kabisov from the CSKA School scored effective assists. Also, as part of the Moscow team, forwards Alexander Petrov and Anatoly Suvorov took to the ice.
The Moscow national team became the fourth in the tournament with two wins.