Matvey Vasin attended a training session of the special hockey team

Matvey Vasin attended a training session of the special hockey team

Matvey Vasin, a forward of the CSKA club, was a guest at a training session of the Yeti Children's Special Hockey Team, a member of the Adaptive Hockey Federation. Matvey met the children, showed them some exercises and participated in a scrimmage. Together with Matvey, the CSKA mascot, the Horse, attended the training session. 

Matvey Vasin, CSKA forward:

– I hope I taught the guys something useful. They're good, they're all friendly. Skating around first, learning the names of the guys so then personally instructing them. The guys listened and tried to do everything. In a challenging match I managed to give a goal, we played 1:1. Next time, maybe I'll be more lucky, I'll be able to score. 

Olesya Pochekunina, coach of the Yeti Team: 

- We really enjoyed it, thank you very much to CSKA for responding to our invitation to have Matvey give a master class with the guys. It is very important for them and their parents to know that we are not alone, that someone is interested in us. Of course, I would like such interactions to occur more often. It will be a great incentive for the guys to keep practicing and not give up.